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Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2020

Fitness Equipment Are You Well-Equipped - Fitness To Nutrition

With the fitness boom on an upsurge, the market is exploding with exercisers promising to slim you down, build you up, boost your energy levels - give you Total Fitness in short.

Does such a dream exerciser exist? The experts assesses the wide range of workout equipment, both high-tech and low, in terms of what they can and cannot do for your body.


Exercise Benefits: The Exert-cycle is highly effective in fat-burning provided you reach your target heart-rate zone (generally in about 20 minutes of continuous Exercycle - at this point you start burning calories from fat.) Cycling is particularly effective because it works the correct powerful thigh muscles to produce a conditioning effect.

As cardiovascular fitness improves, stamina receives a natural boost.

Stationary cycling also tones up your lower body. It strengthens your thigh, buttock and calf muscles.

Recommended Duration and Frequency: You must cycle for a minimum of 20 minutes, and then continue for about 20 minutes more to obtain good aerobic benefits. Recommended frequency: Four times a week.

Risks and Cautions: An exert-cycle is low-risk machine and can be used by people of all ages. But it's not a recommended option for those with very bad backs who cannot sit for long.

Tips: When buying, ensure that the bike offers the option of adjustable handles and saddle height.

Stretch your muscles well before getting on.

Riding position is very important: your knees should have only a slight bend at the end of the down stroke.

Sit erect and keep your head up.

Stationary bicycling often becomes boring after a time, so try and combine it with other diversions such as reading, catching an FM programmer video-watching.


Exercise Benefits: The rowing machine is the most effective total-body toner. It's also excellent for building strength since it's a strenuous exercise. Flexibility gets a boost since the body has to go through a range of movements.

Rowing is not a very effective fat-burner as fatigue point is reached too quickly for most people to get into their training zone. For the same reason, most people don't see more than moderate improvements in stamina.

Recommended Duration and Frequency: Beginners shouldn't attempt to work on the machine beyond 10 minutes. Recommended frequency: Three times a week, so that the muscles get sufficient time to rest in between sessions.

Risks/Cautions: There is a high risk of injuries. Proper co-ordination of movements is very important. The intensity is high and the workout can cause certain stresses in the lower back. Niggling backaches shouldn't be ignored.

Rowing is recommended for younger people as the pulse rate rises very fast in this workout and people with cardiac problems should avoid it. So also those with severe back-aches.

Tips: Rowing is a skill, so learn it from an instructor. Use it more as a supplementary exercise to a basic aerobic work-out.


Exercise Benefits: Chest-expandera work on the isometric principle: when you push the springs inward you create stress within the muscles you are using (the muscles of the chest), thus strengthening and bulking them up. When you pull the springs apart, the muscles around your shoulder girdle are exercised.

But the fat-burning value of such exercise is minimal as here again the upper muscles are used. Balance and flexibility benefits are also low.

Recommended Duration and Frequency: Frequency here is in terms of the number of repetitions, which should be gradually increased, depending on how well your body tolerates the exercise. It's the 'no pain, no gain' formula at work - you have to create pain and tension that results in muscle stress and muscle build-up. It's a very rigorous process of (spot) body-building.

Risks/Cautions: Chest expandera are safe for everyone, except those with tennis elbows or upper extremity problems. Stretching as an adjunct to the exercise is necessary or you will develop strong-looking but rigid muscles.


Steppers are large and durable, while mini-steppers are small, compact and convenient to have around a small house; but both offer basically the same exercise benefits.

Exercise Benefits: Since the stepper exercises the large muscles of the body, which can bring up the heart-rate and maintain it for a long period, it has superb aerobic benefits, including fat-burning and stamina-boosting.

Strength benefits are high for the lower extremities. Flexibility and balance are however not markedly affected.

Recommended Duration and Frequency: Build up from five to around 20 minutes at least - longer than 20 minutes means more fat-burning. Do four times a week.

Risks/Cautions: Since there is only one-way movement, that is, in the vertical direction, certain lower-extremity problems tend to develop after prolonged use of this exerciser.

Tips: Posture is very important in gaining maximum value from the stepper.


Exercise Benefits: If you manage to achieve a good heart-rate elevation (that is, if you keep at it until you are in your training zone), you get aerobic benefits and burn fat.

The trampoline is a good strength developer for the lower extremities. Stamina gets a moderate boost.

Balance is honed, but flexibility improvements are moderate.

Recommended Duration and Frequency: You can work on it for 20 minutes or more. Frequency: About four times a week.

Risks/Cautions: it's basically a workout for youngsters wanting to have a good time. Not recommended for grossly overweight novices. There is a risk of tripping and falling, therefore one should first practice under the eye of an instructor.


Exercise Benefits: The treadmill is a great method of exercising. With a motorized treadmill, you can choose your speed and incline and set parameters for yourself, which enables you to keep checking your pulse-rate and maintaining your progress.

It's excellent for fat-burning, incorporating walking/running benefits. An excellent stamina enhancer. It also builds strength in the lower body.

Flexibility and balance improvements are low.

Recommended Duration and Frequency: Since it's an aerobic workout, one should exercise for more than 20 minutes to obtain the benefits. Frequency: about four times a week.

Risks/Cautions: Although this is basically a safe exercise, you shouldn't get too carried away: your heart rate may rise, causing problems. Overstepping your speed limit can also cause shin or ankle pain. Ensure proper rest intervals between sessions.


(Bar bells are long bars with or without weights on them. Dumbbells are small one-for-each hand weights.)

Exercise Benefits: They are cheap and very effective in exercising all the muscles of the body if you know how to use them to advantage. They isolate specific muscles and work on them (unlike rowing, for instance, which exercises several muscles at a time).

Fat burning is possible if you attain your target heart-rate. But it's difficult for a beginner to achieve since it requires a lot of strength.

Dumb-bells and bar-bells tone up your body excellently, also are good at strength-building. Balance is improved to some extent, but these exercisers don't do much for flexibility. Therefore stretching exercises are a must before and after these workouts, or you can turn into m inflated balloon after pumping weights.

A recommended exercise for women nearing their menopause, to help them reduce the risk of osteoporosis (brittle bones).

Recommended Duration and Frequency: Frequency here is in the form of repetitions, which depends on your physical capability and must be gradually built up. Should be done three to four times a week.

Risks/Cautions: People with existing muscular problems should avoid using bar-bells/doom-bells. Also, getting carried away can cause over-use injuries. Someone with a tennis elbow or a backache, for instance, who does a reverse curl may drop the bar and not only worsen his problem but also risk breaking a toe in the bargain.

Tips: Learn from an instructor how to use these exercisers to best advantage.


Exercise Benefits: Various weights can be used effectively to strengthen and develop the muscles. You can use weights while walking - either ankle weights or a waist-band or hand-held weights. They help you keep pace with your exercise partner if he's slow, and also get the same exercise benefit in less time - that is, with weights you will need a shorter period of time to reach your training zone than you do walking without weights.

They are an excellent body toner and great for strength-building, too. Balance improves, but flexibility benefits are low.

Recommended Duration and Frequency: A three-times-a-week workout is best. Frequency is in terms of repetitions, which must be gradually increased.

Risks/Cautions: Weight training, though interesting, needs prior medical consultation, exercise supervision and nurturing. Injuries take place due to lack of attention to the norms. Neglecting warm-ups can lead to stiffness; omitting stretching exercises can lead to pulled muscles; picking weights not recommended for you can cause injury. Have someone supervise you while you exercise with weights, especially while doing squats; if you get stuck coming up, you'll struggle and push and get into a fix.

While walking with ankle weights, if you miss your step it may affect your stride. Weights jackets or hand-held weights are preferable.


Exercise Benefits: Skipping provides a very good aerobic work-out and has a high fat-burning value.

Also, it's an excellent work-out for your calves and the lower-body muscles.

A good stamina-builder.

It is not a total body toner; nor does it do much for the muscles of the upper body.

Recommended Duration and Frequency: Duration should be gradually increased to at least 20 minutes. Frequency: Can be done on even a daily basis (though athletes commonly use it as an adjunct to their running and walking routine).

Risks/Cautions: Skipping is a high-impact exercise and can cause degenerative knee disorders. Also, use proper footwear and skip on a good surface - made of either wood or a synthetic material that absorbs the shock.

People with knee and back problems should avoid it.

My firm belief is: "Finding a cause leads the way to find a cure". So, it is basically important to understand everything from its deepest core.

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Thanksgiving Day History in America and Thanksgiving Gift Ideas

                Thanksgiving Day History in America

Most Americans are familiar with the Pilgrim's Thanksgiving Day Feast of 1621, but few realize that it was not the first festival of its kind in North America. Long before any Europeans set foot in the Americas, native peoples sought to insure a good harvest with dances and rituals of Thanksgiving.

History tells us the first Thanksgiving service known to be held by Europeans in North America occurred on May 27, 1578 in Newfoundland. The Pilgrims were religious dissidents who fled oppression in England. Jamestown colonists gave thanks for their safe arrival, and another service was held in 1610 when a supply ship arrived after a harsh winter. Then, in 1621 Pilgrims at Plymouth Plantation Massachusetts held a Thanksgiving to give thanks to God for helping them to survive the brutal winter. This feast lasted three days and provided enough food for 53 Pilgrims and 90 Native Americans.

In 1623, the Pilgrims at Plymouth Plantation then held another day of Thanksgiving. As a drought was destroying their crops, colonists prayed and fasted for relief and the rains came a few days later. Shortly after, Captain Miles Standish arrived with staples and welcomed news that a Dutch supply ship was on its way. Because of all this good fortune, colonists held a day of Thanksgiving and prayer on June 30. This 1623 festival proves to have been the origin of our Thanksgiving Day, because it combined both a religious and social celebration of thanks.

During the American Revolutionary War the Continental Congress appointed one or more Thanksgiving days each year, each time recommending to the executives of the various states the observance of these days in their states. The First National Proclamation of Thanksgiving was given by the Continental Congress in the year of 1777.

Some credit for the establishment of an annual Thanksgiving holiday should be given to Sarah Josefa Hale. She was the editor of Ladies Magazine and Geodesy's Lady's Book. She began to solicit for such a day in 1827 by printing articles in her magazines. She also wrote scores of letters to governors, senators, and presidents. Finally, after 36 years of crusading she won her battle. On October 3, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed that November 26th, would be a national Thanksgiving Day, and to be observed every year on the fourth Thursday of November. He also did it partially to help soothe the national mood, which was weary of the Civil War.

In 1865, President Andrew Johnson, declared a Thanksgiving for December 7, 1865. Andrew Johnson was also the first President to give government employees the day off, making it a legal holiday.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, in order to give depression-era merchants more selling days before Christmas, assigned the third Thursday to be Thanksgiving Day in 1939 and 1940. But he was met with popular resistance, largely because the change required rescheduling Thanksgiving Day events such as football games and parades. In 1941, a Congressional Joint Resolution officially set the fourth Thursday of November as a national holiday for Thanksgiving. On December 26, 1941, President Roosevelt signed this bill making the date of Thanksgiving a matter of federal law.

History shows us that we have both Native Americans as well as European immigrants to credit for the opportunity to observe a day of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is truly a time when our families and friends come together to thank God and Country for all of that we have. Many churches also open their doors for special services.

On this Thanksgiving Day I hope that all will celebrate with prayer and patriotism, portraying the gratefulness that was originally displayed by the Pilgrims and Native Americans in 1623.

Being surrounded by loved ones and good things is a gift in itself, without which no occasion would make much sense to the world. But on Thanksgiving, people celebrate these gifts bestowed on them with more meaning and warmth. Thanksgiving is a time to acknowledge the blessings which God has gracefully showered upon us each passing day. Traditionally, Thanksgiving was a harvest festival and the people gathered to express their gratitude to the Almighty for the bountiful Autumn harvest. But now, the spirit of thankfulness has spread to all aspects of our lives that make it richer and more prosperous. We say 'thanks' for the most treasured gifts in our lives--our family, friends and loved one. So this Thanksgiving Day, you can express your appreciation for these wonderful people with some Thanksgiving gift. Take a leaf from some of the following Thanksgiving gift ideas listed for you.

Thanksgiving gift baskets:

A Thanksgiving gift basket can be an ideal gift for a close relative, a dear pal or your sweetheart. For a friend you can get a gift basket with goodies like pumpkin-flavored iced cookies, leaf-shaped milk chocolates wrapped in Autumn-colored foil, mini tea cakes and brownie bars. For your siblings' or your parents' homes, you can get a wicker cornucopia basket full of their favorite things. Cookies, cakes, scented candles, spa kits and the list goes on. The colors and aromas of fall and the taste of Thanksgiving that these Thanksgiving gift baskets carry, are sure to convey the appreciation you feel for the receivers.

Thanksgiving flowers:

One of the sweetest Thanksgiving gift ideas is to gift flowers ! Flowers that reflect the colors of fall make ideal Thanksgiving gifts. A cornucopia flower arrangement can be a lovely Thanksgiving gift for any household as this is a traditional symbol of the occasion. Seasonal burnt orange, fiery red, yellow, and green blooms create an ambiance of warmth and the soft blooms of the Asiatic Lilies, Red Rover Chrysanthemums, Marigolds, Spray Roses and Carnations make the sight of the arrangement in the cornucopia engaging. A simple bronze wicker basket of fresh fall daisies or an assortment of Autumn flowers can be apt Thanksgiving gifts for your fire neighbors, or colleagues. Flowers will carry your Thanksgiving prayer for them as also wish them a happy thanksgiving. Thanksgiving flowers even work wonders if you're far away from your loved ones and want to let them know how much you miss them.

Inflatable toys:

Thanksgiving gift ideas are galore; but how to make your gift stand out this year ? Thanksgiving won't feel like Thanksgiving without a big roasted turkey on the dinner table, would it ? The turkey over the years has become one of the most recognized symbols of Thanksgiving and on this Thanksgiving you can get an inflatable turkey or an inflatable scarecrow (another symbol of Thanksgiving) for a neighbor or a friend to have them gaping at your inventively amusing Thanksgiving gift. These make good outdoor decorations, befitting the festival ambiance, and will surely be fun toys for very young kids in any home !

Thanksgiving crafts:

An eye-catching seasonal wreath of dried poppy pods and pomegranates accented with red oak and green lemon leaves and grass and a lot more could be a lovely Thanksgiving gift for an office colleague, a neighbor or your teacher. A box of miniature gourd shaped Autumn scented candles is again a very good Thanksgiving gift idea for anyone you hold close. A cornucopia of blown glass with faux fruits and gourds piled high can be a lovely gift for your boss. These skillfully crafted Thanksgiving gifts will be anyone's joy and will stay with the receivers for many years to come.

Home accessories:

A central feature of Thanksgiving is the Thanksgiving dinner. It is the harvest feast arranged to honor God for the food that He provides. Some exquisite china or some lace for the dining table can be great ideas and ideal Thanksgiving gifts on this occasion to wish a happy Thanksgiving. You can buy yourself or your parents a Turkey preparation kit for the occasion and make preparing dinner this Thanksgiving an easy affair. A thoughtful home accessory can be the ideal Thanksgiving gift for this family festival.

There are a lot of Thanksgiving books, Thanksgiving movies and music collections in addition to these, that make good Thanksgiving gifts too. So every Thanksgiving, you have a big array of Thanksgiving gifts to choose from. Thanksgiving gifts express your thankfulness for someone. So send a gift and make someone feel special in the spirit of November 24, the Thanksgiving Day. All you need to do is make sure that your gifts or cards tell your friends and family how blessed you feel and thankful you are to have them in your life.

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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Weight loss without exercise

Many people have become anxious because the body weight is getting more and many are trying to dry the body without eating them. Again turn him off for a few days. In this way, due to irregularities, there may be various diseases of the body due to its ideal weight and there is a possibility of being thicker.

Day One: - The first day will start any fruit or fruit juice as much as you can and eat watermelon, but banana can’t be eaten.
Day Two: - finish the second day without eating oil or with a little oil, eat as much vegetables as vegetables, vegetables or vegetables.
Day Three: - With the first and second day menu together, you can eat any fruits and vegetables as much as possible.
Day Four: - On the fourth day, 6-8 bananas and 3-4 glasses of milk or 4-5 bananas and 4-5 glasses of milk and 1 cup of vegetables can be used for soup.
Day Five: - Make a 5-day dinner menu with 1 cup rice, 5 tomatoes or any perfect or little fried green vegetables.
Day Six: - For the fifth day, eat the menus of 6th day eating the same recipe. However, do not forget to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water.
Day Seven: - On the last day like the fifth and sixth day, you can also eat 1 cup rice, boiled or little green vegetables or fruit juice and a piece of fish or 110-180 grams of chicken or beef.
Continuous process !
During the weight loss by crushing the diet, which should be taken into account: At least seven to ten glasses of water every day in seven days and no heavy exercise can be done. If the body seems to be very weak during these seven days, the rule should be closed. After 7 days, the quantity of food will be increased gradually and the food containing extra oil should be avoided, regular exercise, and again to start this rule, at least one week break.
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