Hello everyone, my name is Kyle and I am going to share with you what I have learned about the misconception that you are living fit as opposed to actually living fit.
A year ago, living fit to me was going to the gym 3 days a week and working on arms, legs, chest, the usual. I just went to the gym because it was the masculine thing to do and lots of people did it. It also "kept me in shape", at least I thought. I started to question if I was actually living a "healthy" lifestyle during the winter time. For the 3rd year in a row I got very sick and ended up being hospitalized. Some of you may experience the same conditions. All I thought was that I got sick from the cold weather. Little did I know that there were many more reasons as to why I was hospitalized. For days I would sit in my bed with troubled breathing which I thought was all due to asthma. This turned out to be wrong.

The next year I kept myself on a strict diet. This meant no McDonald's, Wendy's, or any other fast food restaurant that comes to mind. I also ended up buying some workout equipment so I could stay home for my workouts to see if it would help from not going out into the cold. Enough said, I found a website with reviews about some workout equipment that I found and in it, it said that my body would function better from the type of workout provided. I ended up purchasing two out of the equipment shown on the website. Buying two was useless because they do the same thing but I just decided I would switch off each day. Every day I worked out for about an hour on these machines and decided to see what results I would have. Take in mind this is the winter again.

The first thing that I noticed was that I felt more alive during the winter time. Winter was a very sluggish time for me. I am unsure if it was seasonal depression or just my body reacting to the food that I ate. The next thing that I noticed was that over time I was able to go for an hour and a half to two hours on these machines. The last thing I noticed was that I was getting stronger and able to handle more resistance. But the final result was that I did not get a single cold once in that winter. Doubting my doctor still, I just thought I got lucky as some stubborn humans like me would.
Before I spread the news I ended up staying quiet about this because I did not want to look stupid to my peers. I know many other people that get sick each winter just like me and did not want to waste their time with what I thought was a miracle. I decided to try this one more year. The next year I kept the same diet and same workout routine except I kept the working out on all year. The next year I had the same exact results. I was more alive, I was getting stronger, and I did not get sick. So this is why I am sharing this with you: to help others out there that went through the same struggle like me.
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